Someone I admire

Two people who are very dear to me are my parents. They always supported me to pursue my dreams and encouraged me to make my own decisions. They both think it's very important to work hard if you want to achieve something and that reflects on their three children. They have had a lot of trouble trying to create the family they have now, because they have had some tough moments on the way. Their personalities are the exact opposite. While my dad is very cheerful and has a lot of energy, my mom is rather calm and calculated, so they neutralize each other.

                                                                I started playing football because they think it's

required for a child to have enough exercise, especially because I was a child with a lot of energy. My dad always came to all my games in the weekend and tried to watch a few of the trainings. My mother doesn't come because she doesn't really have an interest in soccer, but she always asks how my games went. 

I also admire how they take care of their own parents. A few years ago my grandma was diagnosed with alzheimer disease and is now admitted to a special facility for people with dementia/alzheimer. It's not always easy for them to go see her, but they still go every other weekend, although it's a ninety minute drive. 

They always take us on vacations to France because they think it's important that we learn French. When we're there we always stay at a camping and visit a lot of museums and cities.
